Episode 004 - Gospel Shaped Soul Care

Pastors spend a lot of time caring for and shepherding others. It’s extremely important, however, that they also care for their own souls. Pastor Derwin sheds light on the issue of mental health and how it can affect pastors.

Here are some notes from this episode:

  • The best thing you can give your family is a holy, emotionally and physically healthy you.

  • John Wesley.

  • Study from Barna Group and Pepperdine University.

  • It is vital that we, by faith, anchor ourselves in the deep and life-giving love of Jesus. Psalm 63:3-5. Ephesians 3:16-19.

  • Marinate in Scripture, prayer, and community.

  • Don’t let “doing ministry” destroy the ministry God wants to do in you.

  • We, by faith, must anchor ourselves in our union life with Christ. Ephesians 1:4-6.

  • Caring for our physical and mental health is an act of worship.

  • Jesus already died for the Church, you don’t have to.

  • Here are links to some of our past sermons on mental health awareness: May 2016, May 2017, May 2018, May 2019.

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Derwin Gray