Episode 014 - Marinating with Vicki Gray

In this episode, Derwin is joined by his wife, Vicki Gray. Vicki is one of the co-founders of Transformation Church and currently serves as the Executive Directional Strategist. In this episode, they talk about parenting, church planting, and prayer. Enjoy listening in on this vulnerable and eye-opening conversation!

Enjoy this throwback photo of Pastor Derwin and Vicki on their wedding day:

Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 1.40.45 PM.png

Show Notes:

Pastor Derwin asked, “What is Jesus teaching you during the COVID-19 pandemic?” Vicki shares that this is an opportunity for us to slow down, like the Matrix and that He is reminding her that He is the Waymaker.

Some quotes to marinate on when it comes to parenting:

  • “As your kids grow older, you are more of a spiritual advisor.”

  • “Enjoy who God made them to be and the way they are on their own journeys. Enjoy what God is doing in them.”

  • “There’s no perfect parent other than God.”

  • “Look beyond behavior and look towards their heart, the way God made them.”

  • “Nurture who God made them to be instead of making them in my own image.”

  • “Freedom comes as we let go.”

  • “God loves your children more than you do.”

Church planting:

  • Enjoy this recap video from TC’s 10 year anniversary.

  • “Even in your insecurity and fear, you can’t thwart my plans. You have the opportunity to participate if you want to.”

  • “As a leader, you will fail and make mistakes. Apologize and learn from it.”


  • “My spiritual mama was a woman of prayer.”

  • “The greatest work we actually can do is prayer because it is an opportunity to trust Him.”

  • “I highly recommend to journal while praying… As I go back and read my journals I see God actually answered those prayers so specifically that it could not be anything but Him…and it spurred me to pray more.”

At TC, Vicki has used the ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) prayer model with the staff and “praying with one accord” which was developed by Evelyn Christenson that she highlights in her book What Happens When Women Pray.

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