Following Jesus
This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. This is not a one-time decision, but a lifetime commitment to sit at the feet of Jesus and become His disciple. This is a daily walking with Him and surrendering to Him. It’s an invitation to enter into His Great Story and reconnect us to God and His family called the Church.
Once you make the decision to follow Jesus you are forever His and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live an Upward, Inward, Outward life. The eternal God now eternally lives in you. It starts with loving Him completely (upward), which then allows you to love yourself correctly (inward), and the overflow is that you love others compassionately (outward). As a follower of Jesus, you are sent on mission to be a light in the world and bring others into His family.
Are you ready to follow Jesus? This is God’s gift to us and it’s free. We can’t earn it by being good, we receive it because God is good. If you’re ready to make that commitment, you can start by simply praying. There is nothing magical about these specific words, but if you need help, start here:
“Jesus, in this moment, I embrace You as the One who died for my sins on the cross. I embrace that You rose from the dead on the third day after your brutal death. I believe that you are the Son of God. Thank you for giving me forgiveness and a new life in You. Amen.”
Welcome to the family of God! We would love to walk with you in your new journey. We want to celebrate with you, answer questions you may have about being a follower of Jesus, point you to resources, or help connect you to a local church. You’re welcome to join us at Transformation Church, a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community.