Derwin L. Gray



Dr. Derwin L. Gray is the founding and lead pastor of Transformation Church, a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community located in Indian Land, South Carolina, just south of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Watch Dr. Derwin L. Gray Live

Dr. Derwin L. Gray is the founding and lead pastor of Transformation Church, a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community in Indian Land, South Carolina, just south of Charlotte, North Carolina. Transformation Church broadcasts live every weekend and on demand throughout the week on transformationchurch.tc

Join us Sundays at 9am & 11am EDT

1212 Transformation Ln.
Indian Land, SC 29707

How to Heal Our Racial Divide?


The Multiethnic Church Roundtable

The Multiethnic Church Roundtable, hosted by Dr. Derwin L. Gray and Transformation Church, is an opportunity for ministry leaders to learn more about the ancient call of the early New Testament church that crossed ethnic and socioeconomic barriers to create communities of grace, love, and reconciliation on earth.

Through teachings, breakout sessions, and small group discussions, ministry leaders, and church planters will learn the theology and best practices of the multiethnic church.